I'm still playing catch up from photos trips I took over the summer...pathetic, I know.
I was wandering south from Moorefied, WV toward Spruce Knob (the highest peak in WV and in the Allegheny mountains). Traveling alone provides a level of freedom you don't usually get (or at least I don't usually get), so I took numerous little detours as I drove, letting my eyes and heart direct me where to go. Where Rt 220 crosses the South Branch of the Potomac River, a little country road on the right caught my eye. I initially drove past, but for some reason curiosity got the best of me and about 30 seconds later I found a spot to turn around and head back. It wasn't the road I was supposed to take, but I figured I should at least drive a couple miles to see what I could see. The joy of exploring unknown areas, even from the modern convenience of a GPS enabled vehicle, just can't be beat.
About a mile down the road I came upon the remains of an old silo and what looked like railings and fence in a small rectangular shape. The original purpose unknown to me, but possibly setup for keeping steer contained. I pulled over to explore from the edge of the road. Nothing too amazing caught my eye but right before I got in the car I noticed these little flowers growing up against the side of the wooden fence.
Such a simple scene. I didn't have to try some fancy technique, or travel to some rare destination, I just needed to look down at what Nature was providing, literally in my footsteps. For some reason this pair of flowers continually sticks in my mind. This shot is one of the primary triggers for the emotional feeling I had on that trip, the joy of no schedule, no priorities, no cell service, and no where I needed to be at that moment other than right there. All I have to do is look back as this shot and my brain is instantly, deeply, reminded of that feeling.
My wish is that everyone who loves photography will take at least one shot that helps keep them emotionally and continuously attached to the world around them. A shot that reminds you to breathe, take it slow, and appreciate all that is good in this world.